Why Measure?

Floor plans provide a very powerful visual representation of a unit or building that photos and even panoramic tours cannot convey.


Sell your listings faster and save time and money. Whether you are buying, selling or redesigning, it pays to know exactly how much space you have and how it’s configured. Trust our professionals to do the measuring for you.


Make more informed decisions. Buyers can confirm the exact square footage to better determine a property’s value and to confirm that you aren’t being overcharged on property taxes. Building size is one of the most important factors affecting your property assessment. Accurate plans make home improvements and furniture planning easier than ever before.

Industry Applications

Our clients are Property Owners & Managers, Operators, Brokers, Architects, Engineers, Designers, Planners, Home Owners and Tenants. Our as-built drawings are used for Aquisition Due Diligence, Area Analysis/Certification, Area Dispute Resolution, Emergency Procedures Documentation, Lease Marketing, Facility Management, Building Retrofit and Permiting.


In order to efficiently and effectively redesign or renovate your home, you first need an accurate rendering as it exists today – not as it was planned in the original blueprints.

As Built

An accurate Building measurement and As-Built floor plan of a home is one of the most important elements of any post-construction process including renovation, real estate transactions and advertising.

A finished home seldom corresponds exactly to the original plans in every detail. This normally occurs because of unforseeable on-site complications and variations from the original plans. Sometimes such discrepancies may occur accidentally and may be economically unfeasible to rectify. The purpose of as-built measurement is to record these variations.

Peach Tree Measuring records all these variations and converts them into the most accurate and advanced as-built drawings.

Real estate companies, developers, construction consultants, architects, engineers, interior designers, and property management companies all need this service at different levels of their work to provide an accurate report on existing conditions of any given building.

Due Diligence

Due Diligence

Don’t risk purchasing a home based on quoted area measurements that are not accurate. Insist that the as-built floor plans and area calculations are up-to-date and have been prepared by a professional with a reputation for quality.